Finally fixed my favorite hoodie!

And added an embellishment from one of the old MCR shirts I had to sacrifice in order to have enough fabric to make a sleeve.

Frankly, sacrificing two MCR shirts to create sleeves that’ll give my favorite MCR hoodie a little extra longevity is a fantastic and worthwhile effort. And I intentionally used pink thread. I probably should’ve used gold, but…naaaah. XD Also, I really dig the kind of raggedy look going on at the shoulder. So it’s a pretty decent first attempt with sewing sleeves in.

Now if only it were cold enough to wear it outside…

New items now available in the WCFT Store!

And it’s not just relistings of old stuff! Huzzah! Actually, if you’ve liked WCFT’s page on Facebook (and if you haven’t yet, you totally should), you probably know about this already, but I’ve put up some new bracelets produced on this current bracelet-making kick. Check out the links to the listings below, which also have added detail shots for each:

Orange You Glad It’s Also Got Blue In It?** – $4.00 USD

Colorful Peek – $4.00 USD

Blueberry-Grape – $4.00 USD

Orange Citrus Lattice – $4.00 USD

**No, I’m not sorry there’s a pun in there.

This just in: My mom is really crafty.

If you ever wondered where my penchant for crafty things came from, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. My mom has always been really good at coming up with creations with just what she has on hand! Nowadays she works in an environment where being crafty is really handy–a children’s daycare center! Whether it’s a model of the solar system or a flurry of adorable bee mobiles, my mom’s capability to pull ideas out of thin air and then see them to completion is something she’s always been good at. I mean…this is the woman who made me a strawberry costume for a parade when I was in the first grade.

Today I helped her out by finishing a project she started wherein she’s turned the fronts and backs of cereal boxes into puzzle pieces for her small students. (Well, one of them was also a Cheez-It box, bot you get the general idea.) Behold!

(Side note: I think I like this gallery view setting better than the slideshow setting.)

As you can see, it’s a fairly straightforward process. I believe my mom found a tutorial that gave her the idea. I’ll ask her if she still has the link saved and post it. If not, I’d be more than happy to throw together a quick tutorial myself using either a cereal box or even photographs!

To preserve them (because in a room full of energetic toddlers, nothing survives very long), she’ll have them laminated and then they’ll be ready for kids to play with! Simple, quick to make, and fun. I think this project gets nothing less than an A+!

Introducing the Blueberry Grape!

Which is to say, I finished another bracelet. Pictures below!

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I’m testing something new by using a slideshow. Does this work for you guys or should I just keep posting them as individual shots? Let me know in the comments. In the meantime, keep an eye out for this one to appear in the WCFT shop, which shall happen shortly. I might hang on until I’ve made a few more bracelets so I can do a batch stock, but we’ll see. For now, I’m off to go make another one. They’re quite fun and I’ve found some more colorful string that we’ve had hiding in the crafting closet!

At some point, I realized I was weaving a Gryffindor bracelet.


In actuality, the bracelet is composed of orange and burgundy thread as opposed to Gryffindor’s crimson and gold, but that’s what I was reminded of.

Well, that and Jayne Cobb’s Cunning Hat. I really want a hat like that…

Anyway. It’s sort of on the small side. I can wear it but I have small wrists. Might be better on a small child’s wrist? I’ll probably give it to a friend with a daughter or maybe to my neighbor for her son since it’s just a practice, but I definitely like this pattern! It’s fun, even if doing the “back-four” knot takes some getting used to if your right-handed. For anyone else wanting to learn the zigzag, just watch this video from BeyondBracelets on YouTube!:

Friendship Bracelets

Technically, I should be in the midst of re-sleeving my hoodie like I started to do a couple nights ago…and…then I got distracted by the idea of suddenly wanting to learn friendship bracelets. /o\ I don’t quite understand my brain sometimes. (And actually, I should be searching for a textbook so I can do homework right now but shhhh. I’ll get on that in a moment.)  So I hit up that goldmine of information–YouTube, natch–and I found the channel of user BeyondBracelets, who has quite an extensive collection of tutorials on weaving bracelets neatly organized into playlists ordered by difficulty. So far I’ve practiced the Candystripe, which is what this video teaches–

–and wound up tying it around my brother’s wrist, so he wound up taking it back to school with him. Not bad for a first attempt, though I need to work on finishing them better.

I honestly thought that weaving friendship bracelets would be a lot harder, but provided you just observe a few basic rules, it’s something pretty much anybody could do. And since I have four giant spools of crafting thread that I recently dug out of the garage during spring cleaning (which prompted this sudden interest in bracelet weaving), I have a good feeling I’ll be making lots of them! Which means there might finally be some new products in the WCFT Etsy store.

And that, my friends, is a wonderful thing.

Tutorial Time: Emilie Autumn on HGTVs Crafters Coast to Coast

For those of you unfamiliar with musician Emilie Autumn, the fact that she’s making fairy wings is really not a big shock. Her stage and music aesthetic has included magical/fairy elements before. While I’m not sure how well fairy wings would look with me sitting in a wheelchair, I really definitely want to make a pair of my own. They look like fun and Emilie proves you don’t have to be a kid to enjoy running around in them.

The sushi soap…I’m not entirely sold on? But I may just have to give that a shot as well.

The Devil’s Carnival Approaches!

And I need a new outfit.

First of all, if you haven’t heard anything about The Devil’s Carnival, please take a moment to watch this trailer:

And then watch this one, which just premiered today and isn’t yet on YouTube. If you’re even remotely familiar with Repo! The Genetic Opera, the guys behind that are behind this. Some of the actors from Repo! are even reappearing in this, though not as their same characters. Why do I bring that up? Well, the creators of that film did something special with it: They took it on tour, showing it to fans who wouldn’t really otherwise get the chance since it got the shaft from its distribution company. And if you’ve already guessed it, they’re doing the same thing with The Devil’s Carnival! And I most certainly intend to attend the Austin premiere with two of my good friends.

But I can’t just go in any old thing. Of course not! If going to the Austin premiere of Repo! taught me anything, it’s that more fun is had when you dress up and go all in! So here’s the plan for that:

I’m still working out the final kinks (and I’ve got to dig out a tape measure), but this’ll be the outfit. Putting it together should be fairly simple; I have most of the materials already here in the house! (Yes, that includes the pink leopard print fabric. What can I say? I have friends with awesome tastes in fabric and gift-giving ideas.) Now if I could just pin down what sort of makeup I want to do… Something sort of clownish, but fun. I’ve been experimenting, but haven’t really hit on anything perfect yet.

Are any of you attending or planning to attend when the Carnival comes to your town? Let me know in the comments!

Tutorial Time: How to Make Ruffle Butt Underwear, Part I

Part II is here.

I am ridiculously excited that I found this. You have no idea.  True, sitting in a wheelchair means not many people will actually see the ruffles…but I’m not necessarily making it for the viewing pleasure of others! I have wanted some ruffle-butt undies for quite sometime now because I think they’re adorable and I think they’d look adorable on me. Trouble is, they’re often a tad out of my budget. Looks like now they don’t have to be!

Well, now I have hope for finally fixing my MCR “Dead!” hoodie the way I want to! And also gives me hope towards modifying a number of my other shirts before putting them on eBay or something to make a little extra money. (Does Etsy allow modified shirts? I’ll have to double check what their rules are.) Now the new question is: Do I go with a solid color or drive myself nuts by ambitiously attempting striped sleeves?

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