Post-Mizuumi Con, Networking, The Crane Game

Above: Patricia and I at our table at Mizuumi Con. She looks like she’s planning something rather devious; I think I look unamused with whatever she’s planning. You can read her account of how it went for her on her deviantART blog.

So, Mizuumi Con was a mixed success. As far as first cons go, it was really interesting. I dare say it’s certain that I’ve caught the Con Bug and am pondering the possibility of going to San Japan in July. If I buy the passes now, it won’t be too much of a dent to my already small wallet, right?

As a vendor, it was so-so. Lots of people were attracted to the geisha dolls but only a few went home with people. From my experience in selling jewelry with my mom at the flea market, the venture was valuable in learning experience but not in funds. However! That people seemed interested in the dolls is always a good sign, right? There’s a craft fair happening near my house on the 7th of March where I will try to sell the rest of them. Those that don’t get sold there will go up on the WCFT Etsy store, so be on the lookout for that. Those who can make it to the craft fair, I’ll have details soon, depending on whether or not I can grab a table there. For now, you can see the dolls and the process it took to make them on the WCFT Facebook Page. The finish products looked like this (click pictures for larger views):

Speaking of Etsy stores, there was a girl who came to our table with an impressive display of steampunk goodness. After getting permission, I got a picture of her:

Her name is Allison. It turns out that she made all her stuff. And has an Etsy. Go check that out, yo. I’ve definitely got my eye on a few pieces!

I also recommend giving Jessica Correa’s art a view, because it’s simply fantastic. Seriously. I could not go home without getting this print for my bedroom wall:

So yeah. Go check that out, too.

Also! Upon my request, my dear friend Sally, in a span of time that continues to amaze me, an impressive inkwash illustration which was made into a print to sell at Mizuumi Con. One sold and one nearly got shoplifted. For those who don’t want the extra effort of clicking a link, it looks like this (click picture for bigger view):

It finds its base in a Kitagara Utamaro Japanese woodblock print, and the going rate for these at the Con was $10. I’ve got 49 prints available, all of them 8.5″ x 11″ on glossy paper. If I have her permission and can figure out how to sell them online while ensuring that the money goes straight to the artist, they’ll become available at the same price. I’ll even frame it for an extra $2! Sweet, right?

Last but not least, I have started up some mischievous new venture. If you were at Mizuumi Con, you might’ve gotten one of these fliers, also drawn by Sally:

Play The Crane Game.

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